Our former PhD student (2013), now Dr. Colin ROBERT, will give a talk on wednesday 20th December 1:45 pm @ IRDL ! Save the Date !
Dr. Colin ROBERT*, Prof. Conchur O Bradaigh, Institute for Materials and Processes – University of Edinburgh, « Influence of Composite Fatigue Properties on Marine Tidal Turbine Blade Design ».
Tidal blades are subject to significant thrust and torsional loadings due to the high density of the seawater in which they operate. The combination of thrust loadings, water ingress and composite laminate saturation have a high impact on the blade design, affecting the device design, stability, scalability, energy production, and cost-effectiveness. This seminar presents an investigation into the effect of seawater ingress on composite material properties, design and the life expectancy of tidal turbine blades in operating conditions. The fatigue properties of dry and water-saturated glass fibre reinforced laminates are experimentally evaluated and the results of the testing are incorporated in preliminary tidal blade design. The study shows that fatigue life of pitch- and stall-regulated tidal turbine blades are altered by seawater immersion so that the life of water saturated blades is reduced by about 3 years for stall-regulated and about 1–2 years for pitch-regulated turbines. A brief introduction will also be given to the renewable energy-focussed composite materials research activity in the School of Engineering.